Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Good Morning Syndrome

Good Morning everyone :)

If you are familiar with the pictures then you are probably hit by good morning syndrome.

People get up late and when they reach office after surviving the traffic, it's already afternoon. So probably they started posting 'Good Morning' messages. The other reason could be that they do not have enough jokes to forward (Pun intended).

These messages became mundane after a period of time and hence they started forwarding animated images and videos with 'Good morning messages'.

Every time 'Good Morning' messages are not bad as it helps to keep in touch with loved ones. It's helpful for those who talk less due to shy nature or lack of time.

At personal level, I have kept image download off in WhatsApp. This helps me to filter out images just by looking at the blur images. I even save on data by not downloading images or videos that come with tagline of 'Good Morning'. Now you might think in the world of Jio data who the hell is talking about saving data which has been free or dirt cheap since a year. To be kind enough I actually reduce the traffic on internet and thus serve the society :P

On technical front 'Good Morning' pictures or videos actually consume data which is a plus point for service providers as they earn money out of it. For some it's being in touch with loved ones. I would prefer simple 'Good Morning' text typed rather than pictures or videos which are directly deleted or ignored by 90% of the WhatsApp users including me.