Monday, October 22, 2007


The three keys which we use daily during our encounters with computers are CTR + ALT + DEL. These three keys come to our rescue before we call out our system administrator. We fiddle with process, check where our resources are used up by the application. We decide on to close some of the application and the one which has made our machine vulnerable to frequent break ups. We just end the process. And then there we are with some relief and the work process starts smoothly again.

In the same manner at times, there comes problem in our life which we find it difficult to resolve. Out life gets miserable due to pressure in life. The best solution again lies with CTR + ALT +DEL keys to resolve it. First we should keep track of the problems which come our way and keep a control (CTR) on our activity so that it does not affect our life. If this does not work, Use the ALT key i.e. find an alternate way or a solution to tackle the problem, and if the problem still persists then delete (DEL) the problem i.e. delete the root cause of the problem.

Finally CTR + ALT + DEL is what we need to apply to our daily life.


V3 said...

Nice way you related ctrl+alt+del with the problems in life.

Neo said...

simple analogy..but not so simple to apply :)

Prashant Karkera said...

#Gladiator: Thank you:)

#Neo: Sometimes even CTR + ALT + DEL does not solve our system break downs. But then we call your system administrator. And yes problem solving is not a simple job :)

Shankari said...

Nice one! Shall try it out.

Cedric Dias said...

Cool man..looks so simple..wish could apply the same in reality..

Prashant Karkera said...

#Shankari: Thanks! Glad that you will try :)

#Cedric: Atleast we could try, now that it looks so simple :)